Thursday, September 5, 2013

GNOME Sound Conversion. - SoungConverter. Easy to use.

Click the link below to  Review and Download.


Also can download via Ubuntu Software Center and Apt-get.

Happy trying..

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Cisco PIX : How to allow HQ via ISP Network going thru your LAN (branch) network.

The HQ is connected to the PIX site through the ISPs network. The HQ network should be 10.22.x.x/yy. On the basis of your above PIX configuration this should be located behind the "outside" interface of the PIX.
For your HQ coming from subnet 10.22.x.x/yy to subnet 10.45.x.0/19 you would have to configure NAT0 between these networks.

Essentially the configuration would look something like this

access-list INSIDE-NAT0 remark NAT0/NONAT for Branch to HQ traffic
access-list INSIDE-NAT0 permit ip 10.45.x.0 10.22.x.x y.y.y.y

nat (inside) 0 access-list INSIDE-NAT0

This should essentially enable hosts from 10.22.x.x/yy subnet to connect directly to subnet 10.45.x.0/19 on their original IP addresses.

* If the other Branch network needs the same type of rule then you would simply add another line to the ACL/access-list we created BUT you would use the other Branch network as the source.

access-list INSIDE-NAT0 permit ip 10.22.x.x y.y.y.y

 I got this solution from Cisco Support Community

Monday, July 1, 2013

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Pidgin Log Files on Linux

The location is as below.


If you have others it will listed after /logs/

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Install Adobe Reader in Ubuntu 12.04

Download file *.deb as below Picture

Locate the file inside terminal and install via dpkg

$ sudo dpkg -i AdbeRdr9*

After install go to the Dash and launch Adobe Reader

Monday, June 3, 2013

MP3 Cutter for Ubuntu

Im not good in music / ringtone.Just found this simple cutter at google.

Credit:- mp3splt


1. apt-get install mp3splt-gtk

2. Install GStreamer extra plugins via ( Ubuntu Software Center )

3.Right click at your *.mp3 file then Click mp3splt

4.Click Play button and click +Add and click +Add again depends on which you want to cut.

5.Click Split on top of the program and you might find your file at /home/


Thursday, May 23, 2013

rpf-check result drop in Pix 525 ( Solution )

Info: I got a problem where I cant ping from a router to inside network.Suspect Nat Problem based on googling.

Log inside PIX

May 23 2013 07:07:21: %PIX-3-305005: No translation group found for tcp src Outside: dst inside:


Using Packetracer command in PIX 525 as command below.

packet-tracer input Outside tcp 3195 445 detailed

Result from Packetracer:

Phase: 6
Type: NAT
Subtype: rpf-check
Result: DROP
nat (inside) 1 access-list net
  match ip inside Outside any
    dynamic translation to pool 1 ( [Interface PAT])
    translate_hits = 3185, untranslate_hits = 0
Additional Information:
 Forward Flow based lookup yields rule:
 out id=0x4dc4d38, priority=2, domain=nat-reverse, deny=false
    hits=1782778, user_data=0x4d2e470, cs_id=0x0, flags=0x0, protocol=0
    src ip=, mask=, port=0
    dst ip=, mask=, port=0

Solution :

PIX#access-list inside_nat0_outbound extended permit ip

PIX#nat(inside) 0 access-list inside_nat0_outbound


*p/s: Problem might be different then real situation.I also just try and error based on below reference.

Credit : Config)

CiscoWorks Tomcat Servlet Engine service does not start , Windows Version

Problem :-

My Tomcat Servlet Engine Services unable to Start due to my previous regdaemon.xml  was empty and i dont why.


What I do, is I look for a filename  " regdaemon "

As for me it located at C:\Program Files\CSCOpx\MDC\etc

I copy paste the old script of regdaemon.xml.bak and put inside regdaemon.xml and save.

After that I try to restart the CiscoWorks Tomcat Servlet Engine services and it works..!

Reference : - CiscoWorks Tomcat Servlet Engine service does not start

How to Clear CiscoWorks Syslog

Core issue

CiscoWorks might not run if the size of the Syslog.log or syslog_info file is huge.


To resolve this issue, perform these steps:

  • For Windows:
    1. Open a command prompt.
    2. Issue the net stop crmdmgtd command.
    3. Go to Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services and stop the CWCS syslog service.
    4. Delete the syslog.log file found under $NMSROOT\log\ directory, where $NMSROOT is the CiscoWorks installation directory. By default it is C:\Program Files\CSCOpx\log.
    5. Restart the CWCS syslog service.
    6. In the command prompt, issue the net start crmdmgtd command.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Update Flash In Ubuntu Precise Pangolin ( 12.04.2 LTS ) For Mozilla Firefox

Installing using the plugin tar.gz:

 - Unpack the plugin tar.gz and copy the files to the appropriate location. 

 - Save the plugin tar.gz locally and note the location the file was saved to

 - Launch terminal and change directories to the location the file was saved to.

 - Unpack the tar.gz file.  Once unpacked you will see the following:
        + /usr

 - Identify the location of the browser plugins directory, based on your Linux  distribution and Firefox version ( For Me as below )

 - Copy to the appropriate browser plugins directory.  At the prompt type:
        + cp /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins

  - Copy the Flash Player Local Settings configurations files to the /usr directory.

At the prompt type:
        + sudo cp -r usr/* /usr

*p/s :- make sure you close your browse before updating.Just on a safe side :)


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Updating Ubuntu (11.10) Package via Proxy

Problem :  apt-get , Update Manager not able to download packages behind college/comapny proxy server.

Note : Sometimes there may be connection failure because of busy servers. So Please be patient during new Ubuntu release

Solution :
1) Open the Terminal and type the following command
     sudo gedit /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/02proxy

Note : 01proxy file is not present earlier.

2) Type the following line(in red) in the file:
     Acquire::http::Proxy “http://yourusername:yourpassword@yourproxy:yourport″;

Acquire::http::Proxy "http://foss:3189";

3) Save the file and your problem is solved.

Credit: naveenubuntu

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Lagu Reformasi / Reformasi Song By Yassin

 You may user the Control Code to paste where ever you like :)

Click Here To Download Reformasi Song




Thanx  Bro Yassin Sulaiman for this great song.

Monday, April 1, 2013

How To Copy Flash in Cisco Aironet/Switch


Cisco#sh flash:

Directory of flash:/

    2  -rwx        1696  Feb 28 1993 19:02:24 -05:00  vlan.dat
    3  -rwx        1048   Mar 1 1993 22:12:10 -05:00  multiple-fs
    5  drwx         192  Feb 28 1993 19:06:54 -05:00 c2960-lanbase-mz.122-25.SEE2  620  -rwx        2519   Mar 1 1993 22:12:10 -05:00  config.text
  621  -rwx          27   Mar 1 1993 22:12:10 -05:00  private-config.text

cisco#copy flash:/c2960-lanbase-mz.122-25.SEE2.bin tftp:
Address or name of remote host []?
Destination filename []? c2960-lanbase-mz.122-25.SEE2.bin
%Error opening flash:/c2960-lanbase-mz.122-25.SEE2.bin (No such file or directory)

Solution :-

As you can see in the flash below c2960-lanbase-mz.122-25.SEE2 is a directory.

   5  drwx         192  Feb 28 1993 19:06:54 -05:00 c2960-lanbase-mz.122-25.SEE2

In order to copy image to the tftp issue the follwoing command:

>> dir flash/c2960-lanbase-mz.122-25.SEE2:   ------> in order to go under the doirectory first

After you issue the follwoing command use that path name in order to copu the image to tftp for ex:

copy flash/c2960-lanbase-mz.122-25.SEE2/c2960-lanbase-mz.122-25.SEE2.bin tftp:

Credit: - Cisco SupportForums

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

PJAppSrv ( Act as a Webserver)

 I got this from my friends.Its seem a good tool and easy to install.Its act like a webserver and a good source for testing a remote connection  to access a demo webserver.


PJAppSrv is one of the development environments WAMP (WAMP means PHP, Apache, and MySQL can run on Windows platform) easier to use.

This software is configured to be used during the development process, for use in production should check carefully and adjust the configuration of the server. One of the main goals of this software is to speed up the development and release of PHP projects, thanks to the fact that developers work on the same server and release of language and install the environment in minutes.

Another opportunity is to quickly install their applications on laptops for demo projects.

This software was developed by 2003, and with version 2.2 from 2005 is reviewed on major global sites of distribution of programs:

Click Here to Download

Sunday, February 24, 2013

IPRIP unable to create socket for address (Solution)

Click Start , and then click Run
In the Open box type CMD

Damn..I hate windows..but need to use at 1st for the time being.. :P

Friday, January 4, 2013

SET Dont use SVN Anymore and move to GITHUB

Below is the step taken :-

==== STEP 1====

[-] New file generated on: 2013-01-04 10:54:25.898164
[-] Verifying configuration update...
[*] Update verified, config timestamp is: 2013-01-04 10:54:25.898164
[*] SET is using the new config, no need to restart

[!] The Social-Engineer Toolkit has officially moved to github and no longer uses SVN.
[!] Ensure that you have GIT installed and this conversion tool will automatically pull the latest git version for you.
[!] Do you want to do a manual install or have SET do the conversion to GIT for you?

1. Automatic
2. Manual
3. Continue using SET (NO UPDATES ANYMORE!)

Enter your numeric choice: 1
[*] BEFORE YOU START! Ensure you have GIT installed (apt-get install git)
Have you installed GIT? y/n: y
[*] Great! Here we go... Removing old svn repository and moving to new
[*] SET directory has been removed. Now checking out SET from GIT..
[*] This could take a few moments..
Cloning into /opt/set...
remote: Counting objects: 403, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (323/323), done.
remote: Total 403 (delta 81), reused 392 (delta 70)
Receiving objects: 100% (403/403), 35.81 MiB | 1.45 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (81/81), done.
[*] You should now have the latest from git. To update, run set-update or type git pull
[*] Exit SET and restart. Move out of the current directory and go into the set directory.
[*] You should never have to go through this process again!

====How to Update====

(You may choose either ./set-update or git pull as advise above.)

root@LM:/opt/set# ./set-update
[-] Updating the Social-Engineer Toolkit, be patient...
Already up-to-date.

[*] The updating has finished, returning to main menu..
root@LM:/opt/set# git pull
Already up-to-date.

==== STEP 2====

#If you came across this error message :

root@LM:/opt/set# ./set
[!] Metasploit path not found. These payloads will be disabled.
[!] Please configure in the config/set_config.

 Just     Press to continue

#Then it will pop-up Terms of service

Do you agree to the terms of service [y/n]: y

#It will go to the SET Menu and choose "99" to exit SET


#Edit config/set_config ( Use nano or vim are up to you )

root@LM:/opt/set# nano config/set_config

#In config/set_config Editor.Please edit base on your Metasploit directory:-

### Define the path to MetaSploit, for example: /pentest/exploits/framework3

#Save and Exit the Editor.Kindly update your Metasploit by choosing no 4 in SET Menu.

4) Update the Metasploit Framework

    set> 4

#Once update you may run SET as normal
